Custom-Feature: The Yello's by FShizz

From Alexander Pavel Gürlich AKA Fshizz comes a line-up of custom pieces dubbed "THE YELLOS"! They are made from Dudeboxes The Dude and are 2.5 inches tall, and were originally made for the "Crawly Creepers" group customs show that "never happened"…

Check out his older works here on his blog, and stay tuned to TOYSREVIL for news of a lil'something "special" to come, for readers of this humble blog … :)

STORY: "The Yello's come from a distant planet called Rigel X (not from planet Rigel IV which is the home of Kang and Kodos) in the Orion constellation. They are up to three meters high and weigh around 200 kg. They have psychic powers like telekinesis and telepathy which they use in everyday life like feeding themselves, building etc.

The head of the family is Yohann Yello who possesses half of the planet and therefore has a hectic life looking after all his possessions. He also is an enthusiastic gardener and all he starts to grow yields more than extraordinary.

His wife Elsbeth Yello is the proud mother of their two children (by the way the birth of Yello´s is very hard and could be if filmed considered a serious horror story). She apart from the household and other duties takes care of the family´s life in faith (the religion of Ni-Eki). She also has a great sense of tactics.

Their daughter is Laine Yello and she is nearly indestructible due to a high amount of Philonium (energy particles) in her body. Once when the planets biggest power plant was by mistake shut down she plugged herself in and supplied half of the planet ( of course just Yohann´s one ) with energy for a week.
The youngest of the family is Criss Yello but he´s often called Frajdagar as he was born on Friday. He is too small to show his abilities but one thing is clear he possesses super strength. Even before he was born he helped his mother to crush eaten bones in her stomach.

The last one is a distant uncle called Lex Krupp and he possesses the other half of the planet Rigel X. He does not have a family but he is able to give life through creation so he has many friends. Some believe that it was actually him creating the Yello's as well."
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